
硒宝 10-26 18:14 191次浏览

我们比较了虚幻的自我运动或运动引起的晕动病患者的胃肌电活动和内源性神经内分泌反应。旋转带有黑色和白色垂直条纹的感光鼓,使其围绕就位的静止对象(n = 22)旋转,产生对流。用皮肤电极记录胃的肌电活动。十三名受试者在通气期间出现胃律失常[4至9个周期/分钟(cpm)信号]和晕车,而九名受试者则维持正常的3-cpm胃节律并且没有症状。与不会出现晕动病的受试者相比,发生胃节律不整和恶心的受试者的基线血浆皮质醇和β-内啡肽水平显着更高(P小于0.01)。与无症状受试者(223.1 +/- 22.8 pg / ml,P小于0.05)相比,停止通气后立即停止的恶心组中去甲肾上腺素水平升高(354.6 +/- 41.1 pg / ml)。仅在恶心的受试者中,肾上腺素在通气后显着增加(P小于0.05),而两组中的多巴胺水平并未因通气而改变。我们得出的结论是:1)在换气期间会出现恶心和胃快速性心律失常的受试者中血浆皮质醇和β-内啡肽的预期增加;2)患有运动性恶心和胃律失常的受试者中内源性肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素增加;(3)运动引起脑肠相互作用,导致晕动病患者出现胃快速性心律失常和复杂的神经内分泌反应。与无症状受试者(223.1 +/- 22.8 pg / ml,P小于0.05)相比,为6 +/- 41.1 pg / ml。

仅在恶心的受试者中,肾上腺素在通气后显着增加(P小于0.05),而两组中的多巴胺水平并未因通气而改变。我们得出的结论是:1)在换气期间会出现恶心和胃快速性心律失常的受试者中血浆皮质醇和β-内啡肽的预期增加;2)患有运动性恶心和胃律失常的受试者中内源性肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素增加;(3)运动引起脑肠相互作用,导致晕动病患者出现胃快速性心律失常和复杂的神经内分泌反应。与无症状受试者(223.1 +/- 22.8 pg / ml,P小于0.05)相比,为6 +/- 41.1 pg / ml。仅在恶心的受试者中,肾上腺素在通气后显着增加(P小于0.05),而两组中的多巴胺水平并未因通气而改变。我们得出的结论是:1)在换气期间会出现恶心和胃快速性心律失常的受试者中血浆皮质醇和β-内啡肽的预期增加;2)患有运动性恶心和胃律失常的受试者体内内源性肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素增加;(3)运动引起脑肠相互作用,导致晕动病患者出现胃快速性心律失常和复杂的神经内分泌反应。仅在恶心的受试者中,肾上腺素在通气后显着增加(P小于0.05),而两组中的多巴胺水平并未因通气而改变。我们得出的结论是:1)在换气期间会出现恶心和胃快速性心律失常的受试者中血浆皮质醇和β-内啡肽的预期增加;2)患有运动性恶心和胃律失常的受试者中内源性肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素增加;(3)运动引起脑肠相互作用,导致晕动病患者出现胃快速性心律失常和复杂的神经内分泌反应。



Neuroendocrine and gastric myoelectrical responses to illusory self-motion in humans.

We compared gastric myoelectrical activity and endogenous neuroendocrine responses in subjects with and without motion sickness elicited by illusory self-motion or vection。 Rotating a drum with black and white vertical stripes around seated stationary subjects (n = 22) produced vection。 Gastric myoelectrical activity was recorded with cutaneous electrodes。 Thirteen subjects developed gastric dysrhythmias [4- to 9-cycles/min (cpm) signals] and motion sickness during vection, whereas nine subjects maintained normal 3-cpm gastric rhythms and remained symptom free。

Base-line plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin levels were significantly greater (P less than 0。01) in the subjects who would develop gastric dysrhythmias and nausea compared with the subjects who would not develop motion sickness。 Norepinephrine levels increased in the nauseated group immediately after vection ceased (354。6 +/- 41。1 pg/ml) compared with the symptom-free subjects (223。1 +/- 22。8 pg/ml, P less than 0。05)。 Epinephrine increased significantly (P less than 0。05) after vection only in the nauseated subjects, whereas dopamine levels were not altered by vection in either group。

We conclude that 1) anticipatory increases in plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin occurred in subjects who would develop nausea and gastric tachyarrhythmias during vection; 2) endogenous epinephrine and norepinephrine were increased in subjects who had vection-induced nausea and gastric dysrhythmias; and 3) vection stimulates brain-gut interactions, resulting in gastric tachyarrhythmias and complex neuroendocrine responses in subjects with motion sickness。